heat free curls

“Yousa gonna be as curly as me?”

People are always searching for something to add a little bounce to theri steps, well ladies how about adding a little bounce to your appearence??   
Now before that gets taken the wrong way I’d just like to clarify I mean HAIR!!! (dirty minded people 😛 )
As promised this is a heat free page, so here are some heat free ways to get those lovely goldylocks curls

just a note: please experiment with all the different curls because the methods all work differently for different hair

These are from Cute girl hairstyles, they’re great especially if you have kids. But the reason I chose these is because she is so clear in showing you what to do and it slow perfect for when you are learning

cacoon curls: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uPj2JueWaw

Bantu curls: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1iD759oruA

sock curls: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzJKdHglFck

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